영어 하루 한 문장

영어 하루 한 문장(2) - Launched a new feature / Improved an existing feature

KevinKim. 2024. 12. 17. 12:58
  • I launched a new delivery prediction system within JYG Runs to enhance the customer delivery experience.
    • 나는 고객들의 배송 경험을 위해서, JYG 런즈 내 배송 예측 시스템을 신규 런칭했다.


  • As part of the Order Product Team at C24, I contributed to the launch of a new checkout system for YT Shopping.
    • 나는 C24에서 주문프로덕트팀으로, YT 쇼핑의 체크아웃 시스템 신규 런칭에 참여했다.


  • I would like to request an increase in VDI RAM capacity. Currently, with 4GB of RAM, I experience "out of memory" errors, and my work is terminated. Could you let me know if there is a specific process to apply for this?
    • VDI RAM 용량 확대를 요청드리고 싶습니다. 현재 RAM 4GB로 작업만 하면 out of memory와 함께 종료됩니다. 혹시 신청 프로세스가 따로 있을지 문의드립니다. 


  • I have reviewed the email shared by the vendor representative. Could we proceed with testing based on the provided information?
    • 업체 담당자에게 전달받은 메일을 확인했습니다. 혹시 해당 내용을 토대로 이후 테스트가 가능할까요?


  • When processing claims, the refund amount must exclude any coupon usage, regardless of whether the partner is at fault or not.
    • 클레임 처리 시, 파트너사의 귀책여부와 무관하게 쿠폰 사용액은 제외한 금액을 환불해야합니다.